Search results
O Cortiço - The slum
Aluísio Azevedo [translated by David Rosenthal]
O Mulato - Mulatto
Aluísio Azevedo [translated by Graeme MacNicoll]
O Risco do Bordado - Pattern for a Tapestry
Autran Dourado [translated by John Parker]
Os Sinos da Agonia - The Bells of Agony
Autran Dourado [translated by John Parker]
Amor de Perdição - Doomed Love
Camilo Castelo Branco [translated by Alice Clemente]
Benjamim - Benjamin
Chico Buarque [translated by Cliff Landers]
Estorvo - Turbulence
Chico Buarque [translated by Peter Bush]
Therapy - Terapia
David Lodge [translated by Maria do Carmo Figueira]
Therapy - Terapia
David Lodge [translated by Lídia Cavalcante-Luther]
Nice Work - Um almoço nunca é de graça
David Lodge [translated by Maria Carlota Pracana]
Changing Places - A Troca
David Lodge [translated by Helena Cardoso]
Changing Places - Invertendo os Papéis
David Lodge [translated by Lídia Luther-Cavalcante]
How Far Can You Go? - Até Onde se Pode Ir?
David Lodge [translated by Helena Cardoso]
Paradise News - Notícias do Paraíso
David Lodge [translated by Carlos Grifo Babo]
Small World - O Mundo é Pequeno
David Lodge [translated by Lucinda Santos Silva]
O mandarim - The mandarin
Eça de Queirós [translated by Margaret Jull Costa]
A Relíquia - The Relic
Eça de Queirós [tradução de Margaret Jull Costa]
Alves e Companhia - The Yellow Sofa
Eça de Queirós [translated by John Vetch]
The Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym of Nantucket - Aventuras de Arthur Gordon Pym .
Edgar Allan Poe [translated by Eduardo Guerra Carneiro]
Washington Square - A Herdeira
Henry James [translated by M. F. Gonçalves de Azevedo]
The Altar of the Dead - O Altar dos Mortos
Henry James [translated by Manuel João Gomes] .
Nona Vincent- Nona Vincent
Henry James [translated by Manuel João Gomes]
Black Dogs - Cães Pretos
Ian McEwan [translated by Fernanda Pinto Rodrigues]
Amsterdam - Amesterdão
Ian McEwan [translated by Ana Falcão Bastos]
The Cement Garden - O Jardim de Cimento
Ian McEwan [translated by Cristina Ferreira de Almeida]
O Xangô de Baker Street - A Samba for Sherlock
Jô Soares [translated by Clifford Landers]
Next of kin - Parentes próximos
Joanna Trollope [translated by Ana Falcão Bastos]
A Spanish Lover - Um Amante Espanhol
Joanna Trollope [translated by Ana Falcão Bastos]
The Best of Friends - Melhores Amigos
Joanna Trollope [translated by Ana Falcão Bastos]
Sinais de Fogo - Signs of Fire
Jorge de Sena [translated by John Byrne]
Balada da Praia dos Cães - Ballad of Dog's Beach
José Cardoso Pires [translated by Mary Fitton]
Iracema - Iracema
José de Alencar [translated by Clifford Landers]
Iracema - Iracema, the honey lips: a legend of Brasil
José de Alencar [translated by Lady Isabel Burton]
A Feira dos Assombrados - Shadowtown
José Eduardo Agualusa [translated by Richard Zenith]
A Inacreditável mas Verdadeira Estória de D. Nicolau Água Rosada - The Incredible but True Story of Prince Nicolau Água-Rosada
José Eduardo Agualusa [translated by Alexis Levitin]
Ensaio Sobre a Cegueira - Blindness
José Saramago [translated by Giovanni Pontiero]
A História do Cerco de Lisboa Lisboa - The History of the Siege of Lisbon
José Saramago [translated by Giovanni Pontiero]
Heart of Darkness - O Coração das Trevas
Joseph Conrad [translated by Aníbal Fernandes]
Picture This - Imaginem que
Joseph Heller [translated by Cristina Rodriguez]
Flaubert's parrot - O papagaio de Flaubert
Julian Barnes [translated by Ana Maria Amador]
A History of the World in 10 ½ Chapters - A História do Mundo em 10 Capítulos e ½
Julian Barnes [translated by José Vieira de Lima]
Talking it Over - Amor e Co.
Julian Barnes [translated by Helena Cardoso]
The Unconsoled - Os Inconsolados
Kazuo Ishiguro [translated by Fernanda Pinto Rodrigues]
Kazuo Ishiguro 1989
The Remains of the Day - Os Despojos do Dia [translated by Fernanda Pinto Rodrigues]
Through the Looking Glass Texto - Alice do Outro Lado do Espelho
Lewis Carroll [translated by Yolanda Artiaga, Nina Videira & Luís Lobo]
A Costa dos Murmúrios - The Murmuring Coast
Lídia Jorge [translated by Natália Costa & Ronald W. Sousa]
Quincas Borba - Quincas Borba
Machado de Assis [translated by Gregory Rabassa]
Memórias póstumas de Brás Cubas - The posthumous Memoirs of Brás Cubas
Machado de Assis [ translated by Gregory Rabassa] .
Dom Casmurro - Dom Casmurro
Machado de Assis [translated by John Gledson]
Esaú e Jacó - Esau and Jacob
Machado de Assis [translated by Elizabeth Lowe]
Helena - Helena: a novel
Machado de Assis [translated by Helen Caldwell]
Memorial de Aires - Counselor Ayres' Memorial
Machado de Assis [translated by Helen Caldwell]
Memórias de um sargento de milícias - Memoirs of a Militia Sergeant
Manuel Antônio de Almeida [translated by Ronald W. Sousa]
Memórias de um Gigolô - Memoirs of a Gigolo
Marcos Rey [translated by Clifford Landers]
Um deus passeando pela brisa da tarde - A god strolling in the cool of the evening
Mário de Carvalho [translated by Gregory Rabassa]
A confissão de Lúcio - Lucio's confession
Mário de Sá-Carneiro [translated by Margaret Jull Costa]
A grande sombra - The great shadow
Mário de Sá-Carneiro [ translated by Margaret Jull Costa]
Frankenstein - Frankenstein
Mary Shelley [translated by Mário Martins de Carvalho]
Vozes Anoitecidas - Voices Made Night
Mia Couto [translated by David Brookshaw]
Cada Homem é uma Raça - Every Man is a Race
Mia Couto [translated by David Brookshaw]
My son's story - A história do meu filho
Nadine Gordimer [translated by Geraldo Galvão Ferraz]
Burger's Daughter - A filha de Burger
Nadine Gordimer [ translated by J. Teixeira de Aguilar]
July's People - A Gente de July
Nadine Gordimer [translated by Paula Reis]
The Conservationist - O Conservador
Nadine Gordimer [ translated by Ana Luísa Faria]
The Picture of Dorian Gray - O Retrato de Dorian Gray
Oscar Wilde [translated by Januário Leite]
Nove, Novena - Nine, Novena
Osman Lins [translated by Adria Frizzi]
O elogio da mentira - In praise of lies
Patrícia Melo [translated by Clifford Landers]
O Matador - The Killer
Patrícia Melo [translated by Clifford Landers]
O alquimista - The alquemist
Paulo Coelho [translated by Alan Clarke]
O Diário de um Mago - The Pilgrimage: a contemporary quest for ancient wisdom
Paulo Coelho [translated by Alan Clarke]
O Monte Cinco - The Fifth Mountain
Paulo Coelho [translated by Clifford Landers]
The Last Kabbalist of Lisbon - O Último Cabalista de Lisboa
Richard Zimler [translated by José Lima]
Angelic Darkness - Trevas da Luz
Richard Zimler [ translated by José Lima]
Vastas emoções e pensamentos imperfeitos - The lost manuscript
Rubem Fonseca [translated by Clifford Landers]
A Grande Arte - High Art
Rubem Fonseca [translated by Ellen Watson]
Search string: ""
No occurrences of were found in COMPARA 13.1.22
- Make sure you are not searching for a Portuguese word in the English to Portuguese direction, or for an English word in the Portuguese to English direction.
- If your query contains more than one word, make sure you surround each word with double quotation marks: "like" "this".
- Check that your search expression contains no spelling mistakes.
- If you need to use a Portuguese diacritic and your keyboard doesn't have it, use the Diacritic insensitive option. This will allow you to type nao and find não.
- Check that you haven't hit the "caps lock" key. COMPARA is case-sensitive. If you want to look up a word in both capital and small letters, use the Case insensitive option, and by typing já, you will be able to retrieve Já, JÁ and já.
- Remember COMPARA is not a morphological analyser:
- say will not retrieve the inflected forms of "say"; try searching for (say|says|said|saying)
- branco will not retrieve the inflections of "branco"; try searching for (branco|brancos|branca|brancas) or branc[oa]s*. The Portuguese part of COMPARA has been syntactically annotated, however, so you already can use [lema="dizer"] or [lema="branco"] to get all forms of the verb dizer or of the addjective branco, respectively.
- More help on the query syntax can be found here
- If your query involves a very long combination of words, like "as" "a" "rule" "of" "thumb" "you" "need" "a" "litre" "of" "paint" "to" "every" "12" "square" "metres" "of" "wall", try searching for something shorter, like "as" "a" "rule", or "rule" "of" "thumb" or rule; don't forget to surround each word with double quotation marks.
- Maybe the word or words you were looking for simply do not exist in COMPARA: the corpus contains only fiction for now, so it is unlikely that you will find many technical terms in it.
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