COMPARA - Acknowledgements
We wish to acknowledge the initial support from the Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia (Portugal), the University of Oxford Language Centre and the Instituto Superior de Línguas e Administração (ISLA - Lisboa)We also wish to thank the English-Norwegian Parallel Corpus, Projecto Vercial, Virtual Bookstore, and Project Gutenberg for sharing digital texts.
Last but not least, we are especially grateful to all individuals and companies listed below, who have kindly given permission for copyright material to be used in COMPARA:
Autran DouradoChico Buarque
David Lodge
David Mourão-Ferreira (by permission of M. do Pilar Mourão-Ferreira)
Ian McEwan
Jô Soares
Joanna Trollope
Jorge de Sena (by permission of Mécia de Sena)
José Cardoso Pires (by permission of M. Edite Pereira Cardoso Pires)
José Eduardo Agualusa
José Saramago
Julian Barnes
Kazuo Ishiguro
Lídia Jorge
Mário de Carvalho
Mia Couto
Nadine Gordimer
Nélida Piñon
Osman Lins (by permission of Litânia Lins Dias Santiago)
Patrícia Melo
Paulo Coelho
Richard Zimler
Rubem Fonseca
Adria FrizziAlan Clarke
Alice Clemente
Clifford Landers
David Brookshaw
Ellen Watson
Giovanni Pontiero (by permission of Juan Sager)
Gregory Rabassa
Helen Caldwell
John Byrne (by permission of Carcanet Press)
Margaret Jull Costa
Mary Fitton
Natália Costa
Peter Bush
Richard Zenith
Ronald W. Sousa
Associated University PressesÁtica Editorial
Carcanet Press
Edições 70
Edições Asa
Editora Difusão Cultural
Editora Siciliano
Editora Scipione
Editora Vega
Editorial Caminho
Editorial Estampa
Editorial Teorema
Farleigh Dickinson University
Gávea-Brown Publications
Gradiva Publicações
J.M. Dent
Louisiana State University Press
Oxford University Press
Penguin, UK
Publicações Dom Quixote
Quetzal Editores
University of California Press and the Regents of the University of California
University of Minnesota Press and the Regents of the University of Minnesota
Every effort has been made to trace the copyright holders of the texts within COMPARA, but if any have been inadvertently overlooked, we will be pleased to make the necessary acknowledgements at the first opportunity.